Arts Entrepreneurship Course
Our Arts entrepreneurship course is designed for people who earn a living from the arts. To build a sustainable business, you need to develop very different skills to those you use for your creative output. This course will teach you the skills, processes and procedures you need to successfully manage your art as a business.
- This is an online programme that runs over a period of eight weeks.
- Further support, in the form of mentoring, is available for those who successfully complete the course.
Who should enrol
Any artist in any freelance creative discipline would benefit from this course. Whether you’re a musician, dancer, actor, choreographer, painter, potter, designer, photographer or any creative artist of any sort, this course is for you. You will also find value in what Ain’t Nobody’s Business offers if your are involved in community arts or culture projects, or if you serve on the board or committee of arts related organistions.
Too often, artists of all descriptions struggle to make a living out of their art. More than that, they’re vulnerable to exploitation, because they lack business acumen. Learn how to recognise and plan for the dangers while creating a business plan that transforms your art into a viable career.
Course outcomes
By the end of the course, you will:
- Know the basic rules of running a business, but more than that, you have defined a vision and mission statement.
- Identify and define your brand, understand its function and role, and know the key features and competitive advantages. You’ll have a product description.
- Know your market, understand key trends and how they may impact on you.
- Know how to apply the principles of financial management, understand the role of budgeting, the limitations of cash flow, and the dangers of petty cash.
- Have a defined marketing strategy , understand the principles of negotiation, the importance of ethics, discipline and communication.
- Understand your strengths, be aware of the dangers, threats and opportunities posed by market risks, know your intellectual property rights and the regulatory environment in which you operate.
- Compile a business plan, set milestones and dates for the implementation plan, and understand project management in the arts.
Normal Price: R4 950 Spring special! 30% off! Only R3 465
Course facilitator:
Michael Britton is an experienced arts administrator with intimate knowledge of the arts sector. He spent five years as the National Administrator of an arts organisation and prior to that was an independent business consultant and advisor, helping emerging entrepreneurs compile business plans and find finance for their business. In addition he has started and run his own businesses and thus has personal experience of the dangers and joys of running your own business, and why some businesses fail.